Financial Services Guide
AFS Licence No: 226347
Updated September 2021
This Financial Services Guide (FSG) is an important document which Wealth Within (‘Wealth Within Limited ACN 088 389 913', ‘Wealth Within Institute Pty Ltd’ ACN 116 394 837 'we', 'our' or 'us') is required to give to retail clients as an Australian Financial Services Licensee. This FSG is intended to inform you of certain matters relating to our relationship to assist you in deciding whether to use any of the services Wealth Within is authorised to provide. The matters covered by this FSG include:
- Who is Wealth Within and how can we be contacted,
- What services and types of products is Wealth Within authorised to provide to you,
- How Wealth Within and other relevant parties are remunerated,
- How we will deal with your personal information, and
- Details of Wealth Within’s internal and external dispute resolution procedures and how you can access them.
Who we are
Wealth Within Limited is the responsible entity for the Direct Equity Managed Account Service, a managed investment scheme registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. Wealth Within Limited is a leading boutique investment company with specialist expertise in Australian equities.
How can you contact us?
You can contact us by:
- Calling Wealth Within’s investor relations services team on 1300 858 272
- Visiting our website
- Writing to us at 247-249 Bouverie Street, Carlton VIC 3053
- Emailing us at
What financial products and services are we authorised to provide?
Wealth Within is currently authorised to:
Provide general financial product advice for the following classes of financial products:
- Deposit and payment products;
- Derivatives;
- Interests in managed investment schemes including investor directed portfolio services;
- Retirement savings accounts ("RSA");
- Securities;
- Superannuation; and
- Standard margin lending
Deal in a financial product by:
- Issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product in respect of the following classes of financial products:
- Derivatives, and
- Interests in managed investment schemes limited to own managed investment scheme only; and
- Applying for, acquiring varying or disposing of a financial product on behalf of another in respect of the following:
- Deposit and payment products;
- Derivatives;
- Life products limited to:
- life risk insurance products as well as any products issued by a Registered Life Insurance Company that are backed by one or more of its statutory funds;
- Interests in managed investment schemes including investor directed portfolio services;
- Retirement savings accounts ('RSA');
- Securities;
- Superannuation; and
- Standard margin lending.
Operate the following kinds of registered managed investment schemes in its capacity as a responsible entity:
- "Direct Equity Managed Account Service" scheme (ARSN: 134 092 201), a scheme which only holds financial assets; and
- "Global One" scheme (ARSN: 153 394 597), an IDPS-like scheme which only holds derivatives and financial assets
to retail and wholesale clients.
General advice warning
Any financial product advice we provide is general advice only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs.
Before acting on any such general advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your situation. We recommend you obtain independent financial, legal and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision.
Wealth Within does not receive fees in respect of any financial product advice it may provide to retail clients.
If you invest in a product we offer, Wealth Within will receive remuneration in relation to your investment in the product. The remuneration we will receive is set out in the PDS.
What commissions, fees or other benefits are received?
Wealth Within staff receive a salary. Wealth Within staff may also receive bonuses having regard to standards of service to clients and feedback from them, and reaching a range of personal performance targets.
Personal information
The privacy of your personal information is important to us. All personal information is dealt with in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy details how we comply with the Privacy Act in the handling of your personal information. If you would like a copy of our Privacy Policy to be sent to you, you can call Wealth Within directly.
Complaint resolution procedures
As part of its commitment to customer service Wealth Within has in place a complaints handling procedure consistent with the Australian Standard.
If you have a complaint about any of the services provided to you then you should take the following steps:
1. Contact the Wealth Within Compliance department via:
Phone: on 1300 858 272 or Melbourne direct on (03) 9290 9999 and tell us about your complaint.
In Writing:
247-249 Bouverie Street
Carlton VIC 3053
We will attempt to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly. For more information about how Wealth Within handles complaints, refer to our public Complaints Handling Policy.
2. If the complaint is not resolved internally to your satisfaction within 30 days then you are entitled to refer the complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority of which Wealth Within is a Member, the contact details of which are as follows:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Telephone: 1800 931 678
Compensation arrangements
Wealth Within has in place professional indemnity insurance that satisfies the Corporations Act and which covers the financial services detailed in this FSG where provided by our authorised employees (including the conduct of those authorised employees who are no longer authorised by Wealth Within but were so at the time of the relevant conduct).