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Wealth Within Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Image for the post titled as Should you Buy Bullion or Invest in Gold ETFs?
Should you Buy Bullion or Invest in Gold ETFs?

World-renowned gold expert, Joshua Rotbart, shares his advice on investing in gold bullion versus buying gold ETFs. He also investigates why buying defensive assets, such as gold and silver are good long-term investments.

In this ...

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Image for the post titled as The Risks of Exchange Traded Funds
The Risks of Exchange Traded Funds

It seems that every week someone is asking about exchange-traded funds or ETFs, as they are more commonly known, with the majority talking about them as if they are the next best thing to sliced bread.

However, let me say right up ...

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Image for the post titled as Investing in ETFs vs Individual Stocks
Investing in ETFs vs Individual Stocks

Before the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) there was a significant surge in managed funds, largely due to the introduction of compulsory superannuation in 1992. However, investors began questioning the value of these investments, given that ...

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