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Wealth Within Individually Managed Accounts

Fast Track Your Financial Future

Achieving consistent and solid returns means partnering with a company who has proven over time that it is timing the market, not time in the market that makes all the difference

Wealth Within offers a unique individually managed account service tailored to the needs of investors seeking direct ownership of their share market investments.

Known as the Direct Equity Individually Managed Account Service, it provides all of the benefits of being a shareholder without the headaches of running your own investment portfolio.

We offer a solution to your investment goals like no other boutique investment company can and we make your money work harder, so you are free to enjoy life.

With our Managed Accounts you get:

  • Customised stock selection
  • Beneficial ownership of all assets
  • Over 45 years of combined investment expertise
  • Returns that outperform the market average
  • Full portfolio administration
  • Investments in leading ASX companies
  • Competitive fee structure
  • Comprehensive online reporting 24/7

Tap into the unique benefits of our individually managed accounts services from as little as $100,000 today.

Ready To Learn More?

Please use the form below to request the Direct Equity Managed Account Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). By completing the form, I consent to Wealth Within contacting me to discuss any question I may have.

Prefer to call? 1300 858 272 or Melbourne direct on (03) 9290 9999. and we’ll be happy to help however we can.

Maximise Your Returns With Proven Investment Techniques and Strategies

Unlike many separately managed account providers that operate on the basis of a modelled portfolio, whereby your funds are invested in a pre-existing portfolio of assets, the benefit of individually managed accounts is that they are customised to identify the best performing opportunities at the time you invest with a view to maximising the returns on your investment.

This is based on our philosophy, which combines 'timing the market' with 'time in the market' to seek to maximise the return on your investments. The benefit to you is that you will not be buying into an existing and what may be a less relevant and less timely portfolio.

Backed By A Team Of Expert Strategists

In selecting investments, we focus on securities within the S&P/ASX 300 (depending on the investment strategy you choose heavily weighted to the top 100), which our research and investment team believes can deliver strong returns over the medium to long term.

Using disciplined investment processes, together with a strong client focus, Wealth Within aims to help you consistently outperform the market over the medium to long term.

Make Your Money Work Harder

They want results that outperform the market average and personable service. And they come to Wealth Within because they know we provide the knowledge and investment expertise that makes this happen.

Usually only reserved for sophisticated investors with $500,000 or more to invest, Direct Equity now enables retail investors to tap into the benefits of our individually managed accounts.

Request More Information

Getting Started In 3 Simple Steps

Request An Information Pack

Click the button below and submit your expression of interest today.

Connect With Our Specialists

Our team will connect with you, answer any questions and determine if we're a good fit.

Have Your Money Work Smarter

We'll prepare a customised portfolio tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the investment risks?

Different investments have different levels of risk. Generally, the higher the expected return on an investment the higher the risk. Risk can be defined as the probability that an investor loses capital or does not receive income over a given period. The value of an investment through our Direct Equity Managed Account Service can never be quarantined from risk.

Wealth Within’s risk management objective is to deliver risk/return outcomes in line with our client’s expectations. However, we cannot provide assurances or guarantees on the future probability of an investor’s returns, distributions and return of capital.

The most common risks associated with an investment through the Direct Equity Managed Account Service are outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement. It is important that you consider these risks and, where necessary, seek professional advice as to the appropriateness of this investment based on your financial objectives, timeframe for investing and attitude to risk.

What type of investments do you typically select?

In selecting investments, we focus on securities within the S&P/ASX 300 (depending on the investment strategy you choose heavily weighted to the top 100), which our research and investment team believes can deliver strong returns over the medium to long term. Using disciplined investment processes, together with a strong client focus, Wealth Within aims to help you consistently outperform the market over the medium to long term.

What level of investment is required?

Our clients want their money to work harder and achieve results that outperform the market average. They come to Wealth Within for our expertise and personalised service.

Our IMAs are now accessible to retail investors, offering you the benefits of customised portfolios and professional management. With an investment starting from as little as $100,000, you will be able to tap into the unique benefits of the individually managed accounts service we offer.

Who is this service best suited for?

You're unique and your portfolio should be too. That's why our individually managed accounts are tailored to clients who:

  • want strong returns that outperform the market
  • have no time or expertise to manage a portfolio
  • prefer the expertise of professionals
  • want a customized portfolio
  • have cash or an existing portfolio to invest
  • require timely and transparent reporting
  • want a professionally managed investment

What sets Wealth Within apart from other funds?

Unlike many providers, we customise your portfolio to identify the best-performing opportunities at the time you invest.

Achieving consistent and solid returns means partnering with a company who has proven over time that it is timing the market, not time in the market that makes all the difference

Our philosophy combines ‘timing the market’ with ‘time in the market,’ ensuring your investments achieve optimal returns. Our disciplined investment processes and strong client focus help you consistently outperform the market over the medium to long term

What is a Target Market Determination?

A Target Market Determination (TMD) is a document which describes a class of consumers (the target market) for whom a product is likely to be appropriate or consistent with their likely objectives, financial situation and needs, in addition to any conditions about how the product can be distributed.

It also describes the events or circumstances where we may need to review the Target Market Determination for a financial product.

Why does Wealth Within need to have Target Market Determination?
We're required to have a Target Market Determinations under the Design and Distribution Obligations under Pt 7.8A of the Corporations Act 2001.

Download the Direct Equity Managed Account Service TMD.

Making A Difference

Wealth Within was co-founded in 2002 by Dale Gillham to provide a range of solutions to support our clients achieve their financial goals.

Our mission has always been "customer first in everything we do" – which means breaking down a lot of the myths in the market that hold individuals back from achieving their financial goals.

Wealth Within by the Numbers
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5 Stars
Overall rating of 672 1st-party & 3rd-party reviews

Years in business delivering high-quality education


of students rate the quality of education as excellent


of students recommend Wealth Within to others

After completing the Diploma and Advanced Course, I started trading to replace my income and I am now retired and enjoying life to the fullest…

Sharon Gleeson and Colin Robb

I am currently trading at a 65% success rate and I am way up on my trading from where I would be if I hadn't completed the Diploma…

Theo Perifanos

The knowledge I gained from completing the Diploma and Advanced Course has changed my life and allowed me to retire from work and trade for a living…

Kate Gleave

Having completed the Diploma, Phillip is now able to generate a better income from his SMSF so he can enjoy travelling with his wife.

Phillip Lynagh


The Wealth Within Freedom Formula™

Discover How Fil Replaced His Job Income With Trading

Wealth Within is the only education system that teaches you how to take control of the returns you generate... In a way that is less risky than using a managed fund.

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