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Book Bundle


Now you can purchase Dale Gillham's bestselling book 'How to Beat the Managed Funds by 20%', which has sold over 21,000 copies and his latest award-winning book 'Accelerate Your Wealth: It's Your Money, Your Call'. You won't be disappointed.

Book: How to Beat the Managed Funds By 20%

Dale has helped tens of thousands of investors secure their financial future by sharing his proven strategies for investing in some of Australia's biggest and strongest companies. He shows you how you can achieve very profitable returns and beat the managed funds by more than 20 per cent. If you're looking to invest in the stock market confidently, this book can make it happen.

Book: Accelerate Your Wealth: It's your money, your choice!

Dale shares his latest compelling book that emphasises why investors and traders should take control and invest directly in the stock market. If you're genuinely committed to growing your wealth in the stock market, "Accelerate Your Wealth" is an essential read. Those who follow the strategies outlined in this book are able to achieve better returns than the majority of professionals and pocket the fees they would otherwise pay to have someone else manage their money.

Book Bundle


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How to Beat the Managed Funds by 20%

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